• 044-26428162
  • dbdeepagam@gmail.com


St. Paul: Information Bank

H13.3cm x W10.8cm


Inaugurating the Pauline year, from 28th June 2008 to 29th June 2009, our Holy Father observed, "Paul lived and worked for Christ for him he suffered and died". That statement presents Paul at once in example, a challenge and an object of admiration. Admiring St Paul in his dedication to Christ should lead us to imitating him as he himself challenges us in 1Cor 11:1 - Be imitators of me as I am Christ! Imitating presupposes we know him. This booklet is an attempt at this - to know St Paul, to admire him, to praise him, to pray through him and above all to learn to live like him. (Fr Antony Christy SDB)

