• 044-26428162
  • dbdeepagam@gmail.com


Catechism for the Sacrament of Confirmation (Nineth Edition)

H13.8cm x W10.7cm


The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Blessed Trinity, proceeding from the Father and the son and equal to them in everything. He is the free gift of the Father and we can do nothing to receive Him, except to wait for His coming as did the Apostles and our Blessed Mother, to read the Holy Bible and to pray in the company of Mary. Holy Spirit is given to those whom God likes. Those who receive the Holy Spirit will pray with faith, will forgive and forget as Jesus forgives and forgets. Holy Spirit is very active in the Catholic Church. Read the Acts of the Apostles, which is called the Gospel of Holy Spirit and you will experience His active presence in the hearts of the faithful. Holy Spirit has wonderful Gifts, Fruits and Charisms. The Spirit of God can help us to overcome all evil. The Sacrament of Confirmation gives us the strength to confess that Jesus is the Lord. One who confesses that Jesus is the Lord will be saved. (Fr. A. Manayil SDB)

