• 044-26428162
  • dbdeepagam@gmail.com


Discover New Horizons - Values for Youth: Value Education Manual for Youth (Deepagam Publication 9)

H24cm x W18.5cm


Today the contexts in which we work, are changing before our very eyes. Economic, social and cultural factors are bringing about a new configuration of societies. The logic that is imposed by human mind is that production of goods is to be dictated by profit and not by a need of a just development. There’s slowing down and decomposition of social solidarity and reduction of individual to nothing more than a being who can possess, produce and acquire. The human model is centered in fact more on having than on being. This is why consumerism makes such strides: Work to have, have to acquire, acquire to consume. To such precarious network of human situation, only a man with values, living with a sense of direction can respond adequately. May this book with “value interest” enlighten and inspire young minds to live a life based on “values”.

