• 044-26428162
  • dbdeepagam@gmail.com


With Gentleness and Love: Don Bosco and Education of the Young

H21cm x W13.5cm


The book brings to life the thoughts and sentiments of Don Bosco on the challenging but noble task of educating the young. It is a fitting tribute to "Don Bosco the Educator" in the bicentenary year of his birth. I sincerely appreciate the efforts of the editors and 40 Salesian authors, whose enriching reflections on 200 sayings of Don Bosco regarding the Preventive System and the education of the young are thematically presented in this volume. This book, I am sure, will prove a handy well-spring for us Salesians and for all the members of the Salesian Family to draw instant inspiration for our educational ministry, particularly for our day-to-day interactions with the young, their parents and their teachers.

